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FEBRUARY 18, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 11:12 a.m. by President Pio Ieraci.

Board Members present: Ieraci, Berkowitz, Glickfield, Hamaker, Songer, Nesbitt, McBride, Alfano, Bazerghi, Bibace, Bindler, Nicholson-Brown, Casier, Drews, Freismuth, Friedman, Gonzalez, Jordan, Quintero, Vanek, Vega and Weck.

Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting were approved.

Old and New Business

Pio led a discussion and shared information regarding Governor Crist�s proposed veto of House Bill 561 � �Sprinkler Retrofit Relief Bill�:

  • The Governor�s top staffers assisted Ellyn Bogdanoff in drafting the bill, specifically to address Governor Crist�s concerns. Following the Governor�s approval of the legislation, Ellyn learned that Governor Crist announced that he might veto the bill at a briefing. No explanation was given for the Governor having reversed his position. Ellyn and Representative Matt Hudson are scheduled to meet with the Governor prior to the March 2nd start date of the legislative session.

  • Problematic Insurance regulations are �fixed� in this bill.

  • We should continue non-stop emails, telephone calls, etc. to the Governor from all unit owners, associations � anyone living in high rise associations should be encouraged to support the bill. It was suggested we post suggested letters for owners to send.

  • Pio sent a copy of the supportive resolution passed by the City of Naples City Council to our City Commission to use as a template for issuing a similar resolution.

Pio introduced Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner, Vice Mayor Bruce Roberts, who shared the following:

  • Will send a letter to the Governor and speak to the City Commission about a resolution regarding House Bill 561.

  • A1A Project � The project is going forward, however, current funding is inadequate to implement the preferred plan.

  • Sun Trolley � He is working on keeping the Sun Trolley running. It looks very positive. They are working on grants and support from various destination merchants (Galleria, Coral Ridge Mall, etc.). The Sun Trolley is important to our residents and the service enhances our community.

  • A question was asked regarding the City Manager position.

  • Pain clinics � In an effort to curtail pandering to overt drug abuse, zoning, code and licensing restrictions are being examined. A moratorium on new clinics has been passed.

  • Homeless issue � There is a need to establish adequate places for the homeless so that our parks and public places do not become their haven.

  • A question was raised regarding the status of the A1A Master Plan. At this time, FDOT�s project is limited to resurfacing the street.

Beach Renourishment

Pio shared the quarterly report dated 1/13/10.

Galt Ocean Drive Landscaping

Chepo Vega reported that he met with Beach Foreman Mark Almy of the City of Fort Lauderdale. They discussed straightening trees, cracked sidewalks and the locations of trash containers.

Galt Mile Roving Security Patrol

As of this date, there are five member associations that have not paid: Southpoint, Playa del Mar, Royal Ambassador, Regency South and Ocean Manor.

Galt Mile Web Site � Newsletter � Eric Berkowitz -

Since ad sales continue to exceed $700 per edition, no subsidy has been required. Some local businesses have requested copies of the newsletter for distribution.

  • January Web Site Stats: 975,127 hits; 13,897 unique site visits (first timers)

The past month�s articles:

  • January 22, 2010 - Keechl's Role as Broward's Mayor - In his January Newsletter, Broward Mayor and District 4 Commissioner Ken Keechl compares his job as Mayor to that of a County Commissioner. Throughout his year-long mayoral term, in addition to interfacing with the public, Keechl will officially represent Broward in County dealings with officials and agencies at every level of government. Although the seat is largely ceremonial, Broward's Mayor is vested with several significant advantages for shaping policy. Specifically, by flexing control over the Commission agenda and affording prominence to issues he considers important, Keechl can insure that his priorities (and those of District 4) receive adequate attention by the County Commission. Immediately after being sworn in, Keechl clarified his primary policy objective, exclaiming �This upcoming year�s budget will be our most difficult and challenging yet. In the past three fiscal years we have cut spending by $385 million. We must continue to separate our wants from our needs and starting tomorrow, I will begin overseeing the 2011 budget process.�

  • January 30, 2010 - Roberts Hits the New Year Running - Fort Lauderdale Vice Mayor and District 1 Commissioner Bruce G. Roberts weaves seven informational snippets into his January snapshot of Fort Lauderdale. He opens by ironically juxtaposing the joy experienced by 100,000 celebrants at the Downtown Countdown ball drop with how deterioration of local real estate values will hamper next year�s budgeting efforts. After explaining the value of the 2010 census, he enumerates the responsibilities facing the members of two municipal committees. The City's Visioning Committee is charged with developing a long term visioning plan that the City Commission can use as a guide for policy and decision making. The Centennial Celebration Committee was recently established to commemorate Fort Lauderdale�s 100th Anniversary in 2011. Roberts jumps to a the vacancy problem created when the Baltimore Orioles abandoned their Fort Lauderdale spring training facility for cushier digs in Sarasota. Finally, the Vice Mayor is pleased with recent progress made toward the realization of a Central Beach Master Plan. See for yourself...

  • February 7, 2010 - Third Time�s the Charm - Since 2002, when Florida association members hear the word �sprinklers�, they either wince or cringe. Condo and Co-op owners have spent the past eight years nervously awaiting notice about some mysterious assessment that could deep-fry the household budget. Recently, some Galt Mile Associations expressed shock and dismay upon receiving a disconcerting letter from the local Fire Marshal � reminding them that they will be tagged for a boatload of money by 2014. For those of you who have moved here since 2002 and/or take pride in ignoring the legislative antics annually cooked up in Tallahassee for you and your neighbors, there�s some good news. (This may also provide a modicum of relief to nervous Board members cogitating how to break the mysterious letter�s bad news to residents.) First � some history...

  • February 14, 2010 - Cameras Catch Cash & Snag Snowbirds - Those of you who followed discussions about the City�s FY 2010 budget possibly remember one of the more esoteric sources of municipal revenue, tricky traffic tickets from vehicular violations caught on covert corner cameras. Intrigued by the prospect of addressing two serious problems on the same dime, city planners carefully scrutinized the issues surrounding what ultimately evolved into the new �Automated Camera Red Light Traffic Enforcement System�. In addition to reducing traffic violations and resulting collisions, injuries and fatalities, the system has been annually budgeted to pump $1.8 million into the City treasury. More money... fewer accidents... lives saved... Sounds Great! The tricky part is to realize these benefits without unnecessary psychic disruption to our Galt Mile snowbirds and visitors. Read how...

Other Business

  • The Galt Mile Association Board of Directors position vacated by Rose Guttman has been filled by Galleon President Donna Oppert.

  • Fred Nesbitt distributed flyers for a meeting of The Green Committee of Playa del Mar to be held on Friday, February 26 at 1:00 p.m. Presentations will be given on recycling and solar energy. Fred asked if the Galt Mile Community Association would be interested in establishing its own Green Committee. �Greening the Mile�

  • Fire Station 54 is considering swapping land for a new station. Since they need more land for a new station, this is under negotiation.

  • Discussed renting roof space to communication companies seeking to install antennas atop high rise buildings. Bill Jordan will investigate the possibilities.

Treasurer�s Report - Leah Glickfield

The treasurer reported that we have a balance of $10,468.99. The check written to Doctors Without Borders for $1100 has not yet cleared.

Next Advisory Board Meeting - The next regular Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at Nick�s Italian Restaurant.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m.

Fern McBride
Fern McBride, Secretary





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