The Galt Mile Community Association and Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue have conducted CPR and AED training classes for Galt Mile residents, with over 400 individuals trained to date.
The classes, conducted by Battalion Chief Daniel Oatmeyer, with assistance from Ocean Rescue Chief Alexandre Bagwell and her staff, conducted the classes in various association buildings. The attendees were taught how the administer CPR in case of cardiac arrest, and to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) until the fire fighters arrive. Every building is required to have an AED in a public area accessible to everyone.
This training can and will save lives. For every one minute the heart is stopped, the chances of survival decrease by 10 percent. From the time of dispatch, the fire fighters arrive in 6 minutes or less.
We thank Chief Oatmeyer for conducting this training. We thank Cornelia Cave (Southpoint) for being the Galt Mile Coordinator of this program. We thank our Fire Chief, Chief Stephen Gollan, for his support. Lastly, we thank all the residents who participated in the training programs. We will resume with training classes in October. If you are interested, watch our website or our Facebook page ( for additional information. Class size is limited and your must pre-register for the class.