Updates on Home Exemption

In his latest newsletter, Property Appraiser Marty Kiar updates us on the homestead exemptions. 

The Limited-Income Senior Exemption renewal process no longer requires seniors to sign and return a renewal card.  After the initial Senior Exemption application approval, this exemption automatically renews each year unless the senior notifies our office that they have exceeded the current year’s income requirement for this exemption. People who received the Senior Exemption in 2024, whose income does not exceed the limit and are still living at the same address do not need to send in a signed renewal card to continue receiving this exemption.

The deadline to apply for any 2025 exemption is September 17, 2025.

Congratulations on Marty Kiar for being reelected without opposition and being sworn in to another 4-year term as our Property Appraiser. To read the full newsletter, click here.

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