Commissioner Lamar Fisher Details County Budget

County Commission has the tremendous task of approving a large budget which goes into effect on October 1st. The County Administrator’s preliminary recommended budget for FY25 is approximately $7.7 billion, this includes all tax-supported and non-tax supported funds. The General Fund portion of the budget, which supports all the county services are budgeted to be $1.774 billion. The proposed millage rate for FY25 is expected to remain the same as it has for the last 8 years at 5.6690, this includes Operating (5.3260), Capital (0.3129) and Debt Service (0.0301).

Commissioner Lamar Fisher highlights some of his priorities that have been included in this years’ budget, such as support for affordable housing, legal assistance services, mental health services, and housing assistance programs focusing on seniors and families, and support for public safety efforts.  The final budget will be approved by the County on September 5th and September 17th at 5pm in the Broward County Commission Chambers.  For more information on the County’s Budget process, please visit,

The newsletter also talks about the new Supervisor of Elections headquarters and a progress report on the penny sales tax for transportation.  Please visit to find a list of all District 4 city websites and check out events near your area.

Click here to read the full newsletter. 

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